注意:Gaia 工作直观,我们的管理员 Kiran 会回复预约电子邮件。在您最初的沟通中,请不要提及任何个人详细信息。只需您的名字和电子邮件地址即可预约。会话也有等待期,但您来的时间总是正确的。加入候补名单并相信时机。定价在主页上 - 向下滚动。
Ascension Seekers which will get you your initial appointment as soon as there is one available
I want to be an Ascension seeker...
*You may only need to see Gaia once however many work with Gaia long term. Once you become a follow up client with an app membership number you go into a shorter follow up client list ensuring you get annual appointments or emergency sessions if necessary
Become a member! Gaia has a spiritual guidance app. You can download it for FREE on Apple or Android, simply search 'Soul33'. To become a full member, register with your email as soon as you download it (for a small annual fee) and you will have access to weekly guidance, guided meditations
"I wanted to let you know that our beautiful baby girl arrived. I was a high risk pre term birth pregnancy and she arrived at 38 weeks as you said. We have named her the K name you told me she wanted and it means Pure. Thank you for the incredible opportunity to talk to her before she was earthside! - Lily, New Zealand
The Soul Ceremony is a very limited face to face service. To experience a face to face session with Gaia, in person; you are invited into her space and her energy for your Soul Progression Experience. This is for the serious spiritual seeker who is willing to invest in this session. There is no waitlist and face to face Soul Ceremony follow up sessions are also available however Gaia selects who she wishes to work with intuitively as people apply.
These session are suitable for those who want to be around Gaia as a healing symbol herself, to learn from her, to facilitate their Soul Progression and truly be coached by her.
Gaia may also be available to travel for The Soul Ceremony however travel costs will be incurred by the client.
*Price on application