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DisclaimerBy engaging in any of the services offered by Soul 33 or it's owner, and paying for these services, you are thereby stating that you have read this legal disclaimer and that you freely and willingly enter into, acknowledge, and agree that: You are 18 years of age or older. Soul 33 will not be held responsible for any decisions that are made by you in relation to any reading, healing, or service that is provided to them. This website and its owner shall not be held liable for any direct, indirect, resulting, disciplinary, punitive, or any other damages that occur from your interpretation and actions following the use of this service. You acknowledge that the use of this website and information on the site does not constitute, nor is intended to constitute, professional judgement or advice. Complete accuracy cannot be guaranteed by this website or its owner. Services offered by Soul 33 are offered as entertainment or for clients seeking to expand their knowledge and understanding of spirituality.
Do you travel?Yes, sessions are offered in Auckland, other parts of NZ and Internationally. Please note national and international travel have different pricing due to the costs incurred to get to you.
What is the benefit of coming?From what clients say they experience a variety of things before, during and after the session. I don't like to promise anything but you can read or watch the testimonials of client experiences below and on the homepage. View testimonials here
Why is it called Soul33?The age that I had this awakening.
Do I need to discuss my problems?No, in fact it's preferable to have no details about you when you first come apart from your first name
Do I just come once?Soul 33 has many returning clients who wish to come back after experiencing benefits from the sessions and would like 'maintenance'. It is entirely up to you.
I'm a skeptic, would this work on me?Everyone is entitled to their opinion and bit of skepticism is healthy! Let me tell you until I was aware of this ability I wouldn't have believed it either! Most people come for the experience and yes it would work on you.
Why can't you see me straight away?When it comes to this sort of work the right time is the right time and I know that when people have to wait it is because there are things that need to happen to you for the energy and body to be alignment. Things in your life need to occur before you see me. Sometimes when people come too quickly they are not ready to hear what they need to hear to reach their full potential in this life.
Can you see me right now?You can apply to be an Ascension Seeker which gives you access to Gaia as. new client immediately. Follow up clients have the ability to request Emergency 30 minute sessions.
What is a Soul Session?Soul 33 is a unique service which offers clients an insight into their past, present and future. Soul Sessions show clients who they really are and can provide direction, validation and relief in all areas of their life. A new spin on past life regressions, energy work, body scanning and clairvoyance; this holistic service is a complete revival of you.
Is this a religious service?No it's not, in fact it works with scientific principles such as energy - which is what everything is.
What do you charge?Pricing for services differ. Price on application via email.
Why is your waitlist so long?The demand for Gaia's healing and guidance has grown. She is also a human being and because she takes on everyones emotions and energy it takes her time to release these and go back to herself.
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